
This is where each week's assignments in Advanced Chemistry will be posted.

Week 4: Monday, September 9th – Friday, September 13th

Hello again! I hope you had a good weekend and have recovered from all that rain on Friday night. Here's what we're doing in class as we move into our second unit of the course:

Mon. 9/9

Tue. 9/10

Wed. 9/11

Thu. 9/12

Fri. 9/13 

This is the beginning of math in chemistry, and we use numbers slightly different in science than the way they're used in other disciplines, so I hope you enjoy this new approach.

This week, I'm going to pass out PSAT practice exams to everyone. The PSAT takes place on Wednesday, October 9th in the morning at RHS and costs $19. It's a good way to practice for the full-length SAT, but more importantly, it's the qualifying exam for the prestigious National Merit Scholarship for juniors. Doing well on the PSAT could really pay off, and it looks good on a college application. Registration begins on September 20th on MyPaymentsPlus - I highly recommend taking it!

Let me know if you have any questions, and have a great week!

Week 3: Tuesday, September 3rd – Friday, September 6th

Hello everyone, I hope you're enjoying your three-day weekend! Here's what we're doing in class for this abbreviated week as we wrap up our first unit:

Mon. 9/2

Tue. 9/3

Wed. 9/4

Thu. 9/5

Fri. 9/6

As always, please let me know if you have any questions!

Week 2: Monday, August 26th – Friday, August 30th

Welcome to the first full week of school! I hope that school has started well for you and you have any issues with your schedule worked out. Now that we've had a few days to get to know each other and set some expectations, we can get to work! Here's what we're doing in class this week:

Mon. 8/26

Tue. 8/27

Wed. 8/28

Thu. 8/29

Fri. 8/30

Please let me know you have any questions, and have a great week!

Week 1: Wednesday, August 21st – Friday, August 23rd

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I'm excited to have you in class, and I hope you're looking forward to a good year of learning about chemistry.

Advanced Chemistry is a challenging course that explores matter and energy as well as the changes they undergo as they interact. Students will need strong Algebra skills, an interest in scientific issues, and a willingness to work hard in order to be successful in this course. Over my career, I’ve found that Chemistry is often one of the first classes that truly measures a student's readiness for college, so some of my students have been surprised at the amount of work required. Your child should expect to be challenged by this course.

Here's what we're doing in class for the first week of school:

I hope you had a great first week and that you were able to get some rest this weekend before we attempt to go to school for five full days without strange bell schedules or burning birds. Let me know you have any questions!